Science and technology for human kalayak today is largely a role model in their lives. However, can be seen in cultures that exist today, is the huge impact that should be in the filter. Why? because each culture is different man every type and style. There is a very modern, some are embracing other cultures. In fact our culture berekpresi okay, but keep in mind that our expression. Where we live, where we stand, it would be if the Indonesian government should be held to counsel people. In order to understand and choose
Ketentuan ilmu
Berbeda dengan pengetahuan, ilmu adalah pengetahuan khusus mana seseorang tahu apa penyebab dari sesuatu dan mengapa. Ada sesuatu persyaratan ilmiah dapat disebut ilmu [4]. Ilmiah sifat ilmu pengetahuan sebagai persyaratan dari banyak dipengaruhi oleh paradigma ilmu alam yang telah ada terlebih dahulu.
1. Tujuan. Ilmu harus memiliki obyek kajian yang terdiri dari satu kelas sifat dasarnya masalah yang sama, tampak dari luar maupun bentuknya dari dalam. Obyek dapat berada di sana, atau ada mungkin masih diuji karena keberadaannya. Dalam mempelajari obyek, yang dicari adalah kebenaran, yaitu persesuaian antara tahu dengan obyek, dan karenanya disebut kebenaran obyektif, bukan subyektif berdasarkan subjek atau subjek penelitian yang mendukung penelitian.
2. Metodis adalah upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan penyimpangan dalam mencari kebenaran. Konsekuensi dari upaya ini adalah harus ada beberapa cara untuk menjamin kepastian kebenaran. Metodis berasal dari "Metodos" kata Yunani yang berarti: jalan, jalan. Secara umum metodis berarti metode tertentu yang digunakan dan umumnya mengacu pada metode ilmiah.
3. Sistematis. Dalam perjalanannya mencoba untuk menemukan dan menggambarkan objek, ilmu pengetahuan harus dibubarkan dan dirumuskan dalam sebuah hubungan yang teratur dan logis sehingga membentuk suatu sistem secara keseluruhan bermakna, seorang dapat komprehensif, terpadu, untuk menjelaskan urutan sebab dan akibat yang berkaitan dengan nya objek. Pengetahuan disusun secara sistematis dalam rangkaian kausalitas adalah kebutuhan ilmu ketiga.
4. Universal. Kebenaran harus dicapai adalah kebenaran universal yang bersifat umum (tidak ditentukan). Contoh: 180 º dari semua sudut segitiga. Oleh karena itu universal kebutuhan ilmu keempat. Kemudian, ilmu-ilmu sosial untuk mewujudkan tingkat publik-an (universal) yang dikandungnya berbeda dengan ilmu alam karena obyeknya adalah tindakan manusia. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai tingkat universalitas dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial, konteks tertentu dan harus tersedia pula.
good morning
Sains adalah upaya sadar untuk menyelidiki, menemukan dan meningkatkan pemahaman manusia tentang realitas multifaset sifat manusia [1]. Aspek-aspek terbatas sehingga formula yang dihasilkan pasti. Ilmu memberikan kepastian dengan membatasi lingkup pandangannya, dan kepastian ilmu yang berasal dari keterbatasan [2].
Contoh: Ilmu Alam hanya dapat dipastikan setelah lapangan dibatasi ke dalam bahani (materi saja) atau ilmu psikologis dapat memprediksi perilaku manusia hanya jika membatasi lingkup pandangannya secara umum perilaku manusia konkret. Berkenaan dengan contoh ini, ilmu-ilmu alam untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang seberapa jauh matahari dari bumi, atau ilmu psikologi menjawab apakah seorang gadis cocok untuk menjadi perawat.
Contoh: Ilmu Alam hanya dapat dipastikan setelah lapangan dibatasi ke dalam bahani (materi saja) atau ilmu psikologis dapat memprediksi perilaku manusia hanya jika membatasi lingkup pandangannya secara umum perilaku manusia konkret. Berkenaan dengan contoh ini, ilmu-ilmu alam untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang seberapa jauh matahari dari bumi, atau ilmu psikologi menjawab apakah seorang gadis cocok untuk menjadi perawat.
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Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
science and technology papers
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Science and Technology (Science and Technology) is a branch of science that must be mastered in creating quality human resources. History shows that the progress of a nation is determined by the mastery of science and technology. Mastery of Science and Technology can not happen instantly but requires consistent effort and continuous. One of the 2025 science and technology development mission is to realize Indonesia is smart and creative in a knowledge-based civilization. The increasingly rapid development of science and technology has brought change in every sector of human life. Thus mastery of science and technology is a necessity for the Indonesian nation in realizing human quality. It reminds us that learning is not just enough in school, but can be done from outside the school education. 1.2 Objectives The purpose of this paper is to improve the focus and quality of research and development activities in the field of basic science, applied science, and technology in accordance with the core competencies and needs of users. And we further develop our science and technology 1.3 Scope Many Indonesian people today are less aware of the development of the technology world, thus we present understanding of the concept of the development of science and technology that globalized today. With the goal of the country Indonesia will be a developed country. CHAPTER II DISCUSSION Science & Technology Development 2.1 Definition of science and technology aimed at improving the welfare of the community in order to build a civilization. Science and technology development are not only important as a source of economic growth and competitiveness, but also the source of the formation of a climate of innovation and creativity become the foundation for the growth of human resources. Science and technology determines the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the process of transforming resources into new resources are more valuable. Looks pretty clear that the future economic development of a country increasingly rely on innovation in science and technology. Without the ability to perform an adequate communication strategy and supported lmiah information into a stage of decision making, development of a country in the future may be hampered. Science and technology plays an important role for developing countries in the process of improving living standards, welfare, and protect natural resources and biodiversity. 2.2 Communication science and technology in the 17th century, Robert Boyle was one of the first scientists to conduct scientific experiments to test the hypothesis. He assumed that people would trust a new scientific discovery if the discovery can be visualized to the community. Boyle then invite several people to his laboratory and explained the scientific discovery. Boyle believes that a scientific experiment can be valid if the people believe what they see, and they can test hypotheses and methodologies used in scientific experiments. Boyle also assume that scientific experiments are presented visually generate new knowledge not only to a witness, but also to the wider social environment. Communication science and technology on society and people's understanding of science and technology is a relatively new research subject in academic circles, but evolved to be studied further to support the public policy-making process. A good understanding of the dynamics of science and technology complexities of science and technology and interaction with society, useful in improving community access to science and technology and eventually evolved into a system of community management and social control of science and technology. Several terms have been used in the definition of communication science and technology, among others: public understanding of science and technology, public awareness of science and technology, and social diffusion of science and technology. Over time, the main purpose of communication science and technology related to three main aspects. First, the political aspect. The end result of a science and technology innovation has its own specifications in it, namely terminology, institutions, systems verification, etc.. Specifications are finally building a invisible barrier between science and technology with society. Communication Science and Technology aims to achieve a linkage between community and science and technology. The second aspect is the cognitive aspect. In communication science and technology, communication device or a transmitter of information used will be adjusted to create a guarantee of the general public understanding and acceptance of science and technology. The third aspect is the aspect of creativity, which helps development of intelligence and capability Sosioteknologi Journal Edition 15 Year 7, December 2008 482 Public Understanding Of Science And Technology Communications society resulting in the ability to integrate science and technology into everyday life. 2.3 Theory of Communication Science and Technology Massimiano Bucchi, a scholar of sociology, emphasizing alternative approach to science and technology communication. Bucchi argues about the importance of linguistic translation in the process of transfer of information from scientists to the public. He formulated a theorem called the communication continuum, to provide arguments against the linear model of communication to be passive recipients of information. He identified the forms of communication science and technology into four main tiers. o Depth first. Is level with the highest dimension, ie the level Intraspesialistik which is a form of communication and delivery infomrasi among experts in specific fields of research are the same. For example, an article in a scientific journal. o The second level is the level Interspesialistik, is a form of communication between experts in the scientific disciplines are similar, but differ in the research topic. o The third level, ie levels of Pedagogic. In this level, theorems and postulates of a scientific topic has progressed and can be consolidated into a set of theorems and postulates are accurate. o The fourth level, which is the last level, the level of Popular. a fairly common example is a short scientific articles in newspapers or magazines, and scientific documentaries on TV channels. In this level, form of communication science and technology presented in the visualization of images of metaphor in language easily understood public. 2.4 Public perceptions of science and technology science and technology play an important role as a reformer in the agent community. As the nation moves toward a knowledge-based economy, compared to natural resource-based economy in accordance with the techno-economic paradigm, science and technology became the foundation of economic development success is supported by the capacity and capability of competitive human resources. Nation's strength is measured by the ability of science and technology as a primary factor to replace the economic capital, land, and energy to increasing competitiveness. Law no. 18 of 2002 on the National System of Research, Development and Application of Science and Technology mandated responsibilities of the research is no longer the monopoly of the government, but also requires community participation. Thus, the community eventually sued to have sufficient insight to understand the science and technology. Science and technology will evolve rapidly and discussion on issues arising from these developments is very important. Several countries in the continent of Europe has experienced many challenges in dealing with controversial issues, for example: Genetic engineering. These countries gain valuable lessons in an effort to introduce and involve the general public towards science and technology. Communities with higher levels of education would argue that science and technology is essential for lower educated people, but as stated by Waldegrave, "Some see science, and the method of science, as systematically destructive of everything the which makes life worth living.". A similar opinion is expressed by Carl Sagan, "It is suicidal to create a society dependent upon the S & T in the which hardly anybody knows about S & T.". In a dynamic society, attitude and outlook is more important than the process of receiving a nuanced information science and technology. Individuals within a community of people will behave or react to a situation and social conditions depending on the aspect of the informational materials science and technology, so that science and technology communication strategy has a broader scope and covers aspects of the interaction between people with science and technology. The study of approaches and indicators for the public understanding of science and technology generally consists of three main elements that are interrelated between each other: interest, knowledge, and behavioral indicators aim to measure the elements of interest in public relations with the development of science and technology. The indicator aims to measure the knowledge level of people's understanding of science and technology development. This indicator relates to the relationship between science and technology and mass media which also measures the degree of success of communication science and technology on society and know the sources of information most frequently used public to obtain information science and technology, such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, internet, museums, etc.. The behavioral indicators included behavior and public acceptance of science and technology innovation process and the funding of a public perception of the benefits and risks of application of the science and technology innovation. However, these studies face the constraints of how to design evaluation measures and the interpretation of perception and people's understanding of science and technology, or commonly called a culture of science and technology. There are several approaches to developing models to understand the perception and public understanding of science and technology. 2.5 Model of Communication Science and Technology is developing science and technology communication model sd currently known as "linear diffusion model" or also known as the "deficit model", which is a hallmark of Anglo-Saxon community in the study of science and technology communication. Deficit model based on the hypothesis that nuanced knowledge of science and technology have parameters that can measure how much an information science and technology can be absorbed by each individual. The model also assumes that the public deficit is a passive participant who has a knowledge gap and should be filled with information science and technology. This model is a top-down models with scientific knowledge only goes one way, from scientists to the public. Thus, this model is a linear model as it is commonly used in the past to analyze the progress of science and technology. Deficit model can only partially explain the complexities of understanding and public perception of science and technology, so there are some substantial drawbacks, among others: a. By treating the public has a passive response in the understanding and perception of science and technology, not a deficit model can provide a motivation or a sense of active-constructive in information processing science and technology on society b. Deficit model of science and technology do not treat culture as a dynamic and social process, but more emphasis on science and technology knowledge of the characteristics of individual recipients. Contrary to the fact that people's understanding of science and technology depend on the social context in which information science and technology become more operational. c. Deficit model also treats the communication of science and technology as a communication flow only in one direction but does not take into account the dynamic reciprocal process. Deficit model has been criticized in recent decades, so there are several alternative approaches to developing models to complement the lack of a deficit model, among others: 1. Contextual model. This model is often used in studies of response and public perception of science and technology risk, which emphasizes that individual recipients of information science and technology not as a passive entity. However, these individuals perform the process of reinterpretation in the context of culture and values that developed around it. 2. Lay expertise model. This model emphasizes the role of local wisdom and customs of diverse society in the interpretation and harness science and technology information. 3. Community participation model. This model sees that the inability of society to understand the science and technology due to the insight and understanding developed in the community due to the influence of culture and custom, rather than blame the public directly, so the process of communication science and technology not only provides information science and technology per se, but rather to build critical thinking that allows society to evaluate the development of science and technology in accordance with social relevance. 4. Net model. This model highlights the complex interaction of the interplay between science and technology communication between scientists and communication science and technology on society. 2.6 Culture Science & Technology Science & Technology When it comes to culture, there are three possible linguistic structures in the expression, among others: o The science and technology culture. There are two possibilities, - culture created by science and technology - science and technology culture itself o culture through science and technology. There are two possibilities, - Culture of the way science and technology - which underpins the culture of science and technology o Culture for science and technology. There are two possibilities, - driven culture for the production of science and technology - driven culture for the dissemination of science and technology In the last point there are also two possibilities: o The diffusion of scientific and educational scientists o The education that is not contained in the diffusion of scientific and educational scientists. Example: the system of teaching and learning high school, undergraduate education, and education to the public. The differences mentioned above does not cover all interactions that may occur between people with science and technology topics in a social system, but these differences can contribute to a clear understanding of the complexity of the semantics involved in the disclosure of science and technology and cultural phenomenon referred to as "scientific community". Science and technology culture as a dynamic process can be described as the so-called science and technology culture spiral process begins in quadrant I, which describes the process of production and exchange of scientific information among scientists. Spiral and then move into quadrant II, which describes the process of education and teaching of science and technology to scientists, and the regeneration of new scientists. Later in the third quadrant which shows similarities in the actions and objectives for the development of science and technology education to the community. The fourth quadrant which is the end of the dynamic process of science and technology culture, or communication describes the popularization of science and technology on society. Each quadrant can be associated as a dynamic process of development and evolution of science and technology culture that contain levels of understanding of a community of science and technology. In quadrant I, in the information and target information are the scientists themselves. In quadrant II, scientists and professors is a transmitter of information to target information is the learner. In quadrant III, teachers, scientists, scientific documentary film narrator acts as a transmitter of information to the target information is not only students but also young people. In quadrant IV, journalists and scientists is to convey information to target information is public. In the dynamic process of science and technology culture, the evolution of spiral completes the cycle by returning to the original position of the horizontal axis but not returned exactly at the point of moving. This is due to the dynamic people's understanding of science and technology that could be analogous to continue to increase over time. Similarly, an increasing number of people in a social community, so that each quadrant will begin with a new understanding by the transmitter of information, both in quality and quantity. CHAPTER III CLOSING 3.1 Conclusion In the end, science and technology culture is an inseparable attribute of a community. Since the main emphasis komunukasi science and technology is to the process of how the public can understand science and technology on an ongoing basis, people should also understand how the precise form of language in the process of communicating science and technology by the transmitter of information to them. Community to the interpretation of information science and technology tailored to the influence from within each individual level of education, economic and environmental impact of social relevance and social structures that influence how fast and accurate information science and technology are acceptable for their intended purpose, so that the necessary stages of development on how to shape and mechanisms of communication science and technology towards a pluralistic society effectively and efficiently adapted to local wisdom and cultural context that develops in each society. 3.2 Advice In this globalization era, let us as the generation of this nation can be more mensikapi in the application of science and technology development. Use a facility that has been given to us with the best. REFERENCES Bauer, M. W., Bucchi, M., 2007. Journalism, science and society: science communication, the between news and public relations. Routledge, United Kingdom. Lewenstein, B.V., 2003. Models of public communication of science and technology. Public Understanding of Science, Cornell University, New York. Rao, C.N.R., 2008. Science and technology policies: The case of India. Technology in Society 30, pp.242-247. Rédey, S., 2006. Science for Public - the Dimension of Science Communication. Tudomany-Kommunikacio-Tarsadalom, pp. 75-81. Servaes, J., 2008. Communication for Development and Social Change. Sage Publications, United States. Journal Sosioteknologi Edition 15 Year 7, December 2008 489 PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (Science Technology) papers to fulfill the task of Informatics Engineering courses are mentored by Mr. Moh. Yahya, S. Kom By: FIQI SATRIA Ashadi INFORMATICS ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY STUDIES PROGRAM Darul Ulum PREFACE 2009 Praise we pray Allah SWT for His blessings and mercy of the preparation of this paper can be resolved. This paper we create to define the development of information technology. The origins of information theory and the opinion of several prominent place explaining the theory of information so that we in particular and the general public can know and understand the importance of an information. Thanks to the people who want to spend a little time to read our work. Perhaps many shortcomings in terms of both physical and contents. Eventually we hope for constructive criticism and suggestions from various parties for the perfection of the next paper. Hopefully this paper can benefit us all. The author, TABLE OF CONTENTS i ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE iii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2 Objectives 1 1.3 Scope 1 CHAPTER II DISCUSSION 2 2.1 2 2.2 Definition of Science & Technology Science & Technology Communications Communication Theory 2 2.3 3 4.2 Science Technology Public perceptions of science and technology 4 5.2 5 2.6 Models of Communication Science and Technology Culture Science & Technology 7 CHAPTER III CLOSING 9 3.1 9 2.3 Conclusion Suggestion 9 REFERENCES 10
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
study notes yesterday
1. The basics of computer processing
1.1. Computer architecture
Until now the computer has changed from the initial model, although all computers have the same basic architecture. Scheme computers (computer schema), is a diagram illustrating the basic units included in all computer systems.
Figure 1. computer scheme
1. Central processing unit (CPU), which controls all other units and computer systems that transform inputs into outputs.
• Primary storage (primary storage), containing the data being processed and the program.
• Control unit (control unit), make all units work together as a system
• Arithmatika and logical unit, where berlangsungkan mathematical calculations and logic operations.
2. Input Unit, entering data into the primary storage.
3. Secondary storage (secondary storage), menyedikan place to store programs and data when the sodium absorption ratio is used.
4. Output Unit, noted the results of processing.
1.1.1 Input Device
Some input devices have a dual function, namely as a means of input and output as well as a tool to generate the data. Instrument inputs / outputs so recognized by the terminal. Input devices are divided into two groups, namely the input devices directly and indirectly. When the terminal is connected to a computer center that is located far from the terminal via a communication tool, it is called by the name of the Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminals or remote batch terminals.
The tool allows direct input directly input processed by the CPU through the input device without first dinmasukkan into the external storage medium. Direct input tool consists of several groups, namely: keyboards, pointing devices, scanners, voice recognizer.
Indirect input devices, where the data entered is not directly processed by the CPU, but recorded prior to a media mechine readable form (a form that can only be read by a computer and an external storage). Indirect input devices consist of: key-to-card, key-to-tape, key-to-disk.
1.1.2. Primary storage (primary storage)
Primary storage exists in several forms that provide a variety of capabilities in terms of operation and speed. The size of primary storage is shown in units of Kilo Byte (KB), Mega Byte (MB), Giga Byte (GB). Forms of primary storage:
o RAM (random access memory), is accessible memory is memory that can be charged and taken its contents. RAM is volatile because its contents will be lost says power outages.
o ROM (read only memory) is memory that can be read only and non-volatile nature of the contents of the ROM will not be lost if the power goes out. ROM contains instructions and data that tells the computer what to do when the computer starts up.
o Cache Memory is a special RAM that is placed between the processor. Cache memory will be read first by the processor before seeking instructions or data at regular RAM.
1.1.3. Unit Output
The resulting output data processing can be classified into four forms, namely: text, image, sound, and forms that can only be read and understood computers. The first three are outputs that can be used directly by humans, while the fourth is used as input for further processing or as input to another computer.
Tool output may take the form:
1. Hard copy, a tool used for printing text, numbers, special characters and symbols as well as the image on hard media (hard) such as paper or film. Eg Printer, Plotter, COM (Computer Output Microform)
2. Soft copy, a tool used to display text, image on soft media (software) in the form of electronic signals. For example a video display, flannel flat displays, speakers.
1.2. Software
Software (software) is one or a collection of some programs. The software is divided into system software and application software.
Software systems perform basic tasks required of all users of computer-related hardware. This software is provided by the hardware manufacturer or by a company that specializes in making software. There are three basic types of system software: operating systems, language translators and utility programs.
The software application is a program created by the user using a programming language to accomplish a specific task.
1.2.1. Operating System (Operating System)
Operating system commonly known by the acronym OS is a program that has a function as an interface / liaison between users with software and hardware. OS just like managers in the company, which is responsible for, controlling and coordinating the activities of the computer system.
The main functions of Operating Systems
1. Management process, including preparation, scheduling, and monitoring process on the computer.
2. Resource management, relating to the control of resource use in a computer system by the system program or application program at the time.
3. Data management, control of data input / output, including in terms of allocation in the secondary storage device or in main memory.
The main purpose Operating System
1. Facilitate the use of computer systems mainly programmers.
2. Provide services for application programs to utilize computer resources.
3. Arranged for the computer system resources are used efficiently.
Example OS: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me / Windows XP
Windows NT / Windows 2000, OS / 2, Unix, Linux
1.2.2. Software Applications (PLA)
This software helps the management of physical and conceptual resources of the company. PLA obtained in 2 ways:
1. Make your own (custom programming)
Some large companies are using computer aided information specialist staff, designing computer-based systems to meet the unique needs of companies. Their product is a collection of software (software library) from the program order (custom program).
2. Buying so (preweritten package).
Some application programs so that there is a market can be grouped into four groups:
1. General Business Application Package
2. Special Application Package industry
3. Increased Productivity Organization Application Package
4. Individual Productivity Package
1.3. The role of input devices, output and software in solving problems.
All input and output devices can contribute to solving the problem both directly and indirectly. Example: keyboards, displays, printers and plotters (direct role), source data automation devices, microfilm (indirect role).
Like the hardware, the software can also contribute directly or indirectly. Example: the operating system (indirect role), general business applications and industry (indirect role), some software applications increase in individual organizational productivity (indirect role), spreadsheets, statistical analysis and estimation, project management (direct role).
2. Database
2.1. Data Hierarchy
The company is taradisional organize their data in a hierarchy that consists of data elements (fields), notes (records), and files.
o Data elements, is the smallest unit, can no longer be divided into smaller units. Such as name, employee number, salary, hourly wage, etc..
o Note, consisting of data elements associated with an object or a particular activity, for example, notes that explain each type of inventory and each sale.
o File is a collection of records relating to a particular subject. Eg purchase order file, data file employee, the sales file.
2.2. Secondary storage (secondary storage)
Secondary storage is divided based on its data access
1. Sequential access storage device (SASD)
Tool storage with the preparation and reading of data sequentially ie one note follows another record.
2. Direct access storage device (DASD)
Tool storage with the preparation and reading of data directly into position.
2.3. Data processing (data processing)
There are two ways of data processing:
1. Clustered data processing (batch processing) processing is done by collecting transaction within a certain period
2. Direct data processing (online processing)
data processing done per transaction, sometimes when the transaction occurs. Real Time System: The system that controls the physical and requires a computer system to respond quickly to the status of a physical system
2.4. Database
2.4.1. Era Database
Before the era of the database is marked with
o Source of the data collected in the files that are not connected to each other
o Each application has the / designing your own data files
o It has a weakness: the duplication of data, data dependence, data ownership is spread
To solve the above problem is done by physically organizing the data and leads to the logical organization. Physical organization (logical organization), integrates data from several different physical locations and is the way users see the data. Physical organization (physical organization), is the way the computer sees the data as separate files.
Two techniques to meet the needs of logical integration:
1. Logical integration in a single file
o Inverted file
A file saved in a particular order, with an accompanying index allows the records of the selected file in a different order.
o Linked list
A technique that can achieve similar results without using the index but by determining its own field that are added to each record in the file.
2. Logical integration among multiple files
Using links to connect the records in a file with records that are logically related to another difile.
2.4.2. The concept of a database
Is a logical integration of records in many files. The database is an integrated collection of computer data, organized and stored in a manner that facilitates retrieval. Figure 2.
The main purpose of the database concept:
1. Minimize repetition of data
2. Data independence
3. Inconsistency of data
4. Sharing
Hierarchy of data:
o field
o record
o file
o databases
2.4.3. Database structure
The emphasis on data processing activities is the ability to access data quickly and efficiently in the use of secondary storage.
1. Multilevel data structure (hierarchical data structure)
The relationship between the data form a ladder like a tree. A tree is formed from several elements of a tiered data groups, called nodes. The topmost node or Level 1 is called the root. each node can be branched out to other nodes. One node has only one parent.
Figure 2. database consists of several files
2. The structure of the network data (network data structure)
Relationship with a hierarchical structure of data, but for every node can have more than one parent.
3. Data structure relationships (relational data structure)
Data compiled in the form of two-dimensional tables consisting of columns (fields) and rows (records). The relationship between the records based on the value of key field rather than by address or pointer in the record as in strutur trees and networks.
2.4.4. Database Management System (DBMS)
Is the software that establishes and maintains a logical integration between files, either explicitly or inplisit. Example: IDS, Information Management System (IMS), Structured Query Language / Data System (SQL / DS), Query by Example (QBE), ORACLE, dBase II-III-IV-III plus, Foxbase, Qbase etc..
2.4.5. Strengths and weaknesses of database and DBMS
1. reduce data kerangkapan
2. achieve data independence
3. integrate data from multiple files
4. retrieve data and information quickly
5. improve data security
1. expensive software
2. large hardware configuration
3. Database Administrator retain staff
2.4.6. The role of databases and DBMS in solving problems
Computerized database and the DBMS is not an absolute prerequisite for solving the problem. However, the basics of computer use as an information systems specialists and users of information.
2.5. File Organization
Is a technique or means by which states and store the records in a file.
There are four basic techniques of file organization, namely:
1. Sequential
2. Relative
3. Indexed Sequential
4. Multi - Key
In general, these four basic techniques differ in the way of accessing, namely:
1. Direct Access
2. Sequential Access
1. Direct Access;
Is a way of accessing the record directly, without accessing all existing records.
Example: Magnetic Disk.
2. Sequential Access;
Is a way of accessing the records, which preceded accessing the records in front of him.
Example: Magnetic Tape.
File Index
o It is a file that has an index or table that contains a list of addresses (add in Control Index.
o Control Index serves as a pointer / pointer from the position of a particular record is to go to a site specific records quickly.
o There shall be two files: data files and key files containing control index.
o In order to be able to relate 2nya used a key field / key field
Factors that influence the selection process file organization:
• Characteristics of storage media used
• Volume and frequency of transactions processed
• Respontime required
Reading List
1. Abdul Kadir, Introduction to Information Systems, Andi Jogyakarta, 2003, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
2. E.S Margianti, D. Suryadi HS, Management Information Systems, Gunadarma, 1994, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
3. Jogiyanto, Introduction to Computers, Andi Jogyakarta, 1999, Chapter 21
4. McLeod, Management Information Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1998, chapter 8,9,10
1. The basics of computer processing
1.1. Computer architecture
Until now the computer has changed from the initial model, although all computers have the same basic architecture. Scheme computers (computer schema), is a diagram illustrating the basic units included in all computer systems.
Figure 1. computer scheme
1. Central processing unit (CPU), which controls all other units and computer systems that transform inputs into outputs.
• Primary storage (primary storage), containing the data being processed and the program.
• Control unit (control unit), make all units work together as a system
• Arithmatika and logical unit, where berlangsungkan mathematical calculations and logic operations.
2. Input Unit, entering data into the primary storage.
3. Secondary storage (secondary storage), menyedikan place to store programs and data when the sodium absorption ratio is used.
4. Output Unit, noted the results of processing.
1.1.1 Input Device
Some input devices have a dual function, namely as a means of input and output as well as a tool to generate the data. Instrument inputs / outputs so recognized by the terminal. Input devices are divided into two groups, namely the input devices directly and indirectly. When the terminal is connected to a computer center that is located far from the terminal via a communication tool, it is called by the name of the Remote Job Entry (RJE) terminals or remote batch terminals.
The tool allows direct input directly input processed by the CPU through the input device without first dinmasukkan into the external storage medium. Direct input tool consists of several groups, namely: keyboards, pointing devices, scanners, voice recognizer.
Indirect input devices, where the data entered is not directly processed by the CPU, but recorded prior to a media mechine readable form (a form that can only be read by a computer and an external storage). Indirect input devices consist of: key-to-card, key-to-tape, key-to-disk.
1.1.2. Primary storage (primary storage)
Primary storage exists in several forms that provide a variety of capabilities in terms of operation and speed. The size of primary storage is shown in units of Kilo Byte (KB), Mega Byte (MB), Giga Byte (GB). Forms of primary storage:
o RAM (random access memory), is accessible memory is memory that can be charged and taken its contents. RAM is volatile because its contents will be lost says power outages.
o ROM (read only memory) is memory that can be read only and non-volatile nature of the contents of the ROM will not be lost if the power goes out. ROM contains instructions and data that tells the computer what to do when the computer starts up.
o Cache Memory is a special RAM that is placed between the processor. Cache memory will be read first by the processor before seeking instructions or data at regular RAM.
1.1.3. Unit Output
The resulting output data processing can be classified into four forms, namely: text, image, sound, and forms that can only be read and understood computers. The first three are outputs that can be used directly by humans, while the fourth is used as input for further processing or as input to another computer.
Tool output may take the form:
1. Hard copy, a tool used for printing text, numbers, special characters and symbols as well as the image on hard media (hard) such as paper or film. Eg Printer, Plotter, COM (Computer Output Microform)
2. Soft copy, a tool used to display text, image on soft media (software) in the form of electronic signals. For example a video display, flannel flat displays, speakers.
1.2. Software
Software (software) is one or a collection of some programs. The software is divided into system software and application software.
Software systems perform basic tasks required of all users of computer-related hardware. This software is provided by the hardware manufacturer or by a company that specializes in making software. There are three basic types of system software: operating systems, language translators and utility programs.
The software application is a program created by the user using a programming language to accomplish a specific task.
1.2.1. Operating System (Operating System)
Operating system commonly known by the acronym OS is a program that has a function as an interface / liaison between users with software and hardware. OS just like managers in the company, which is responsible for, controlling and coordinating the activities of the computer system.
The main functions of Operating Systems
1. Management process, including preparation, scheduling, and monitoring process on the computer.
2. Resource management, relating to the control of resource use in a computer system by the system program or application program at the time.
3. Data management, control of data input / output, including in terms of allocation in the secondary storage device or in main memory.
The main purpose Operating System
1. Facilitate the use of computer systems mainly programmers.
2. Provide services for application programs to utilize computer resources.
3. Arranged for the computer system resources are used efficiently.
Example OS: DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me / Windows XP
Windows NT / Windows 2000, OS / 2, Unix, Linux
1.2.2. Software Applications (PLA)
This software helps the management of physical and conceptual resources of the company. PLA obtained in 2 ways:
1. Make your own (custom programming)
Some large companies are using computer aided information specialist staff, designing computer-based systems to meet the unique needs of companies. Their product is a collection of software (software library) from the program order (custom program).
2. Buying so (preweritten package).
Some application programs so that there is a market can be grouped into four groups:
1. General Business Application Package
2. Special Application Package industry
3. Increased Productivity Organization Application Package
4. Individual Productivity Package
1.3. The role of input devices, output and software in solving problems.
All input and output devices can contribute to solving the problem both directly and indirectly. Example: keyboards, displays, printers and plotters (direct role), source data automation devices, microfilm (indirect role).
Like the hardware, the software can also contribute directly or indirectly. Example: the operating system (indirect role), general business applications and industry (indirect role), some software applications increase in individual organizational productivity (indirect role), spreadsheets, statistical analysis and estimation, project management (direct role).
2. Database
2.1. Data Hierarchy
The company is taradisional organize their data in a hierarchy that consists of data elements (fields), notes (records), and files.
o Data elements, is the smallest unit, can no longer be divided into smaller units. Such as name, employee number, salary, hourly wage, etc..
o Note, consisting of data elements associated with an object or a particular activity, for example, notes that explain each type of inventory and each sale.
o File is a collection of records relating to a particular subject. Eg purchase order file, data file employee, the sales file.
2.2. Secondary storage (secondary storage)
Secondary storage is divided based on its data access
1. Sequential access storage device (SASD)
Tool storage with the preparation and reading of data sequentially ie one note follows another record.
2. Direct access storage device (DASD)
Tool storage with the preparation and reading of data directly into position.
2.3. Data processing (data processing)
There are two ways of data processing:
1. Clustered data processing (batch processing) processing is done by collecting transaction within a certain period
2. Direct data processing (online processing)
data processing done per transaction, sometimes when the transaction occurs. Real Time System: The system that controls the physical and requires a computer system to respond quickly to the status of a physical system
2.4. Database
2.4.1. Era Database
Before the era of the database is marked with
o Source of the data collected in the files that are not connected to each other
o Each application has the / designing your own data files
o It has a weakness: the duplication of data, data dependence, data ownership is spread
To solve the above problem is done by physically organizing the data and leads to the logical organization. Physical organization (logical organization), integrates data from several different physical locations and is the way users see the data. Physical organization (physical organization), is the way the computer sees the data as separate files.
Two techniques to meet the needs of logical integration:
1. Logical integration in a single file
o Inverted file
A file saved in a particular order, with an accompanying index allows the records of the selected file in a different order.
o Linked list
A technique that can achieve similar results without using the index but by determining its own field that are added to each record in the file.
2. Logical integration among multiple files
Using links to connect the records in a file with records that are logically related to another difile.
2.4.2. The concept of a database
Is a logical integration of records in many files. The database is an integrated collection of computer data, organized and stored in a manner that facilitates retrieval. Figure 2.
The main purpose of the database concept:
1. Minimize repetition of data
2. Data independence
3. Inconsistency of data
4. Sharing
Hierarchy of data:
o field
o record
o file
o databases
2.4.3. Database structure
The emphasis on data processing activities is the ability to access data quickly and efficiently in the use of secondary storage.
1. Multilevel data structure (hierarchical data structure)
The relationship between the data form a ladder like a tree. A tree is formed from several elements of a tiered data groups, called nodes. The topmost node or Level 1 is called the root. each node can be branched out to other nodes. One node has only one parent.
Figure 2. database consists of several files
2. The structure of the network data (network data structure)
Relationship with a hierarchical structure of data, but for every node can have more than one parent.
3. Data structure relationships (relational data structure)
Data compiled in the form of two-dimensional tables consisting of columns (fields) and rows (records). The relationship between the records based on the value of key field rather than by address or pointer in the record as in strutur trees and networks.
2.4.4. Database Management System (DBMS)
Is the software that establishes and maintains a logical integration between files, either explicitly or inplisit. Example: IDS, Information Management System (IMS), Structured Query Language / Data System (SQL / DS), Query by Example (QBE), ORACLE, dBase II-III-IV-III plus, Foxbase, Qbase etc..
2.4.5. Strengths and weaknesses of database and DBMS
1. reduce data kerangkapan
2. achieve data independence
3. integrate data from multiple files
4. retrieve data and information quickly
5. improve data security
1. expensive software
2. large hardware configuration
3. Database Administrator retain staff
2.4.6. The role of databases and DBMS in solving problems
Computerized database and the DBMS is not an absolute prerequisite for solving the problem. However, the basics of computer use as an information systems specialists and users of information.
2.5. File Organization
Is a technique or means by which states and store the records in a file.
There are four basic techniques of file organization, namely:
1. Sequential
2. Relative
3. Indexed Sequential
4. Multi - Key
In general, these four basic techniques differ in the way of accessing, namely:
1. Direct Access
2. Sequential Access
1. Direct Access;
Is a way of accessing the record directly, without accessing all existing records.
Example: Magnetic Disk.
2. Sequential Access;
Is a way of accessing the records, which preceded accessing the records in front of him.
Example: Magnetic Tape.
File Index
o It is a file that has an index or table that contains a list of addresses (add in Control Index.
o Control Index serves as a pointer / pointer from the position of a particular record is to go to a site specific records quickly.
o There shall be two files: data files and key files containing control index.
o In order to be able to relate 2nya used a key field / key field
Factors that influence the selection process file organization:
• Characteristics of storage media used
• Volume and frequency of transactions processed
• Respontime required
Reading List
1. Abdul Kadir, Introduction to Information Systems, Andi Jogyakarta, 2003, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
2. E.S Margianti, D. Suryadi HS, Management Information Systems, Gunadarma, 1994, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
3. Jogiyanto, Introduction to Computers, Andi Jogyakarta, 1999, Chapter 21
4. McLeod, Management Information Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1998, chapter 8,9,10
study notes yesterday
1. The basics of computer processing
1.1. Computer architecture
Until now the computer has changed from the initial model, although all computers have the same basic architecture. Scheme computers (computer schema), is a diagram illustrating the basic units included in all computer systems.
1. The basics of computer processing
1.1. Computer architecture
Until now the computer has changed from the initial model, although all computers have the same basic architecture. Scheme computers (computer schema), is a diagram illustrating the basic units included in all computer systems.
algorithm answers yesterday, he he
uses wincrt;
awal : integer;
jam : integer;
menit : integer;
bagi : integer;
dtk : integer;
gotoxy (15,5); writeln ('lama menelpon = detik');
gotoxy (34,5); read (awal);
jam := awal div 3600;
bagi := awal mod 3600;
menit := bagi div 60;
dtk := bagi mod 60;
gotoxy (15,7); writeln ('konversi dari "detik" ke "jam/menit/detik" adalah');
gotoxy (15,9); writeln ('jam : '); gotoxy (35,9); write (jam);
gotoxy (15,11); writeln ('menit : '); gotoxy (35,11); write (menit);
gotoxy (15,13); writeln ('detik : '); gotoxy (35,13); write (dtk);
nomoer 2
uses wincrt;
jam1,jam2,menit1,menit2,detik1,detik2 : integer;
konversijam1,konversijam2,konversimenit1,konversimenit2,detikawal,detikakhir : integer;
jumlah,jam,ok,menit,detik : integer;
x,pulsa : real;
gotoxy (0,2); writeln ('mulai percakapan [jj]/[mm]/[tt] =>> : : ');
gotoxy (38,2); readln (jam1);
gotoxy (43,2); readln (menit1);
gotoxy (48,2); readln (detik1);
gotoxy (0,4); writeln ('akhir percakapan [jj]/[mm]/[tt] =>> : : ');
gotoxy (38,4); readln (jam2);
gotoxy (43,4); readln (menit2);
gotoxy (48,4); readln (detik2);
konversijam1 := jam1 * 3600;
konversimenit1 := menit1 * 60;
detikawal := konversijam1 + konversimenit1 + detik1;
konversijam2 := jam2 * 3600;
konversimenit2 := menit2 * 60;
detikakhir := konversijam2 + konversimenit2 + detik2;
jumlah := detikakhir - detikawal;
writeln ('===========================================');
writeln ('ket : jam | mnit | detik |');
writeln ('mulai : ',jam1,' : ',menit1,' : ',detik1);
writeln ('selesai : ',jam2,' : ',menit2,' : ',detik2);
jam := jumlah div 3600;
ok := jumlah mod 3600;
menit := ok div 60;
detik := ok mod 60;
writeln ('pemakaian : ',jam,' : ',menit,' : ',detik);
writeln (' : ',jumlah,' detik');
x := jumlah / 5;
pulsa := x * 150;
writeln ('===========================================');
writeln ('pulsa /5 detik : 150,-');
writeln ('total biaya pulsa : ',pulsa:2:2);
nomer 3
awal : integer;
jam : integer;
menit : integer;
bagi : integer;
dtk : integer;
gotoxy (15,5); writeln ('lama menelpon = detik');
gotoxy (34,5); read (awal);
jam := awal div 3600;
bagi := awal mod 3600;
menit := bagi div 60;
dtk := bagi mod 60;
gotoxy (15,7); writeln ('konversi dari "detik" ke "jam/menit/detik" adalah');
gotoxy (15,9); writeln ('jam : '); gotoxy (35,9); write (jam);
gotoxy (15,11); writeln ('menit : '); gotoxy (35,11); write (menit);
gotoxy (15,13); writeln ('detik : '); gotoxy (35,13); write (dtk);
nomoer 2
uses wincrt;
jam1,jam2,menit1,menit2,detik1,detik2 : integer;
konversijam1,konversijam2,konversimenit1,konversimenit2,detikawal,detikakhir : integer;
jumlah,jam,ok,menit,detik : integer;
x,pulsa : real;
gotoxy (0,2); writeln ('mulai percakapan [jj]/[mm]/[tt] =>> : : ');
gotoxy (38,2); readln (jam1);
gotoxy (43,2); readln (menit1);
gotoxy (48,2); readln (detik1);
gotoxy (0,4); writeln ('akhir percakapan [jj]/[mm]/[tt] =>> : : ');
gotoxy (38,4); readln (jam2);
gotoxy (43,4); readln (menit2);
gotoxy (48,4); readln (detik2);
konversijam1 := jam1 * 3600;
konversimenit1 := menit1 * 60;
detikawal := konversijam1 + konversimenit1 + detik1;
konversijam2 := jam2 * 3600;
konversimenit2 := menit2 * 60;
detikakhir := konversijam2 + konversimenit2 + detik2;
jumlah := detikakhir - detikawal;
writeln ('===========================================');
writeln ('ket : jam | mnit | detik |');
writeln ('mulai : ',jam1,' : ',menit1,' : ',detik1);
writeln ('selesai : ',jam2,' : ',menit2,' : ',detik2);
jam := jumlah div 3600;
ok := jumlah mod 3600;
menit := ok div 60;
detik := ok mod 60;
writeln ('pemakaian : ',jam,' : ',menit,' : ',detik);
writeln (' : ',jumlah,' detik');
x := jumlah / 5;
pulsa := x * 150;
writeln ('===========================================');
writeln ('pulsa /5 detik : 150,-');
writeln ('total biaya pulsa : ',pulsa:2:2);
nomer 3
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