
Ketentuan ilmu Berbeda dengan pengetahuan, ilmu adalah pengetahuan khusus mana seseorang tahu apa penyebab dari sesuatu dan mengapa. Ada sesuatu persyaratan ilmiah dapat disebut ilmu [4]. Ilmiah sifat ilmu pengetahuan sebagai persyaratan dari banyak dipengaruhi oleh paradigma ilmu alam yang telah ada terlebih dahulu. 1. Tujuan. Ilmu harus memiliki obyek kajian yang terdiri dari satu kelas sifat dasarnya masalah yang sama, tampak dari luar maupun bentuknya dari dalam. Obyek dapat berada di sana, atau ada mungkin masih diuji karena keberadaannya. Dalam mempelajari obyek, yang dicari adalah kebenaran, yaitu persesuaian antara tahu dengan obyek, dan karenanya disebut kebenaran obyektif, bukan subyektif berdasarkan subjek atau subjek penelitian yang mendukung penelitian. 2. Metodis adalah upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan penyimpangan dalam mencari kebenaran. Konsekuensi dari upaya ini adalah harus ada beberapa cara untuk menjamin kepastian kebenaran. Metodis berasal dari "Metodos" kata Yunani yang berarti: jalan, jalan. Secara umum metodis berarti metode tertentu yang digunakan dan umumnya mengacu pada metode ilmiah. 3. Sistematis. Dalam perjalanannya mencoba untuk menemukan dan menggambarkan objek, ilmu pengetahuan harus dibubarkan dan dirumuskan dalam sebuah hubungan yang teratur dan logis sehingga membentuk suatu sistem secara keseluruhan bermakna, seorang dapat komprehensif, terpadu, untuk menjelaskan urutan sebab dan akibat yang berkaitan dengan nya objek. Pengetahuan disusun secara sistematis dalam rangkaian kausalitas adalah kebutuhan ilmu ketiga. 4. Universal. Kebenaran harus dicapai adalah kebenaran universal yang bersifat umum (tidak ditentukan). Contoh: 180 ยบ dari semua sudut segitiga. Oleh karena itu universal kebutuhan ilmu keempat. Kemudian, ilmu-ilmu sosial untuk mewujudkan tingkat publik-an (universal) yang dikandungnya berbeda dengan ilmu alam karena obyeknya adalah tindakan manusia. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai tingkat universalitas dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial, konteks tertentu dan harus tersedia pula.

good morning

Sains adalah upaya sadar untuk menyelidiki, menemukan dan meningkatkan pemahaman manusia tentang realitas multifaset sifat manusia [1]. Aspek-aspek terbatas sehingga formula yang dihasilkan pasti. Ilmu memberikan kepastian dengan membatasi lingkup pandangannya, dan kepastian ilmu yang berasal dari keterbatasan [2].

Contoh: Ilmu Alam hanya dapat dipastikan setelah lapangan dibatasi ke dalam bahani (materi saja) atau ilmu psikologis dapat memprediksi perilaku manusia hanya jika membatasi lingkup pandangannya secara umum perilaku manusia konkret. Berkenaan dengan contoh ini, ilmu-ilmu alam untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang seberapa jauh matahari dari bumi, atau ilmu psikologi menjawab apakah seorang gadis cocok untuk menjadi perawat.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Paper Management Planning

Paper Management PlanningPapers MANAGEMENT OF PLANNING, OBJECTIVES AND DECISION-MAKING (Planning, Decision Making And Goal)
A. IntroductionPlanning is necessary and occurs in various forms of organization, because this plan is the basic process of management in decision making and tinsdakan. Planning is necessary in every kind of activity whether it is the organization's activities, companies and activities in the community, and there are plans in any management functions, because these functions can only implement the decisions that have been established in the planning.
B. Planning restrictionsAccording to Newman planning (planning) is deciding in advance what is to be done. Meanwhile, according to A. Allen is the determination of planning a course of action to Achieve a Desired result. Basically is a plan that gives answers to the questions what (what) who (Who) when (When) when (When) why (why) and how (How) so planning is the function of a manager associated with the selection of a set activities and the termination of the objectives, policies and programs undertaken.

C. Elements of PlanningGood planning must be able to answer the six questions the so-called elements of planning are:1. What action should be done2. Why such action should be done3. Where the act was committed4. When the action is performed5. Who will perform the action6. How to implement such measures.
D. The nature of the Good PlanA good plan should contain the following properties:1. Use simple words and clear in terms easily understood by the recipient so that different interpretations can be eliminated.2. Flexible, a plan must be able to adjust to the real situation when there are changes in circumstances it is not all plans changed and possible adjustments are held. Rigid nature does not have such and such, although other circumstances than planned.3. Stability, it is not necessary every time the plan change so it must be maintained stability of each plan must be in balance.4. It's in balance means that the giving of time and factors of production to whom the goals of the organization balanced with the need.5. Includes all necessary action, so it includes the functions that exist within the organization.

E. Plan Making Process1. Assign tasks and goalsBetween tasks and objectives can not be separated, a plan can not be determined beforehand difrmulir without what the tasks and objectives. The task is defined as what to do, is the goal of a or the value to be obtained.2. Observation and analysisDetermine what factors may facilitate the achievement of goals (observations) when it is known and collected, then analyzed against him to determine which one is used.3. Hold possibilitiesFactors that are available with planning to make a few possibilities in achieving the goals. Where the possibilities that have been obtained can be sorted on the basis of specific, such as length penyelesian, besarbya it cost efficiency and effectiveness and so forth.4. Making synthesisIe synthesis alternative will be chosen from the possibilities that exist by marrying sitesa of these possibilities. The possibilities that exist have weaknesses.
F. Author Who Plans?1. Planning CommitteeThis committee consists of several elements that represent multiple parties, each of which brought its mission to produce a plan, in hopes the plan will be better prepared.2. Planning DivisionOften the task of planning, is a routine task in an organization or company. This is one unit in an organization in charge of special plans. So here there is no element of representation that represents a part of the organization.3. Power StaffIn an organization or company there are two functional groups namely:- Implementing, not equated with the leaders of the groups who directly handle the job- Staff (thinker) is a group that does not directly produce goods or products the company, its duty to analyze the facts in order to plan something for later.
G. Forms of Planning1. Recana Global (Global Plan)Analysis of global recana preparation consists of:- Strength is the power possessed by the organization concerned- Weaknesses, pay attention to the weakness of the organization concerned.- Opportunity is an open opportunity that is owned by the organization- Treath the pressures and constraints facing the organization2. Stategik Plan (Strategic Plan)Part of the global plan is more detailed. Where to develop a framework that will be done to achieve a global plan, the dimensions of time adalang long term. In attempts to achieve a system of priorities. Which would be achieved first.Is a process of long-term prencanaan composed and used to achieve the goals set together. Three reasons the use of strategic planning are:1. Provides basic framework for other planning will be done2. Facilitate the understanding of other forms of planning.3. Beginning point of understanding and assessment of activities of managers and organizations.3. Operational Plan (Operational Plan)This plan covers the planning of operational activities and short-term nature.- Plan of disposable (single use plan) is an activity that is not used again after the achievement of this goal is more detailed and only disposable, such as the planned purchase and installation of computers in a corporate machine.- Fixed Plan (Standing Plan) that is in the form of standardized approaches to handling-handling situations that can be predicted in advance and will occur repeatedly.
H. Destination Organizations (Organization Goal)Two elements of the objectives are:1. The end result to be achieved2. Current activities undertaken to achieve these objectivesIn the book Manullang Davis divides goals into three types:1. The primary goal of economic value given either directly or indirectly to the public in the manufacture of goods and services.2. Kolateralnilai common purpose in the broad sense for the good of society3. Secondary objectives, with respect to economic value and effectiveness in achieving the above objectives.
I. Forms of objectiveParrow divide goals into five forms:1. Sociental Goals, divided into sections because of its vast organization to meet the needs of the community.2. Output Goals, produce goods and services required by consumers in the form of consumption.3. System Goals, implementation of all organizational functions performed by the system commonly used in the organization.4. Product Goals, based on products produced by the organization or company.5. Derived Goals, connected and based on other goals that exist within the organization,
J. Objective Function1. As a basis and benchmark for activities that exist within the organization either direction, channeling efforts and activities of the members of the organization without exception.2. Sources of legitimacy by improving the ability of the activities carried out in order to obtain the necessary resources in the production process and gain support from the environment around him.3. As a standard implementation by conducting themselves on purpose to be achieved that are made clear and understood by other members.4. Source of motivation to encourage other members in performing their duties, for example by providing incentives for members who carry out their duties properly, resulting in a product over the standard and others that may ultimately encourage other members.5. As a rational element of the company, because this is the basic design goals of the organization.Peter Drucker sets of eight elements that must exist within an organization in setting goals, namely:1. Market position, how much market share that can be controlled by a company, this is by seeing how much subscriptions and products that can be mastered, market segments and distribution channels are used.2. Productivity, namely by calculating the inter-input used with the output achieved, which is the company's efficiency.3. Physical and financial resources, taking into account the technology used and the necessary resources associated with the magnitude of the financial position held.4. Profitability, achievement of which is calculated by how many dollars earned by performing research and develop-ment, availability of capital for technology renovation and compensation received.5. Innovation, the reforms implemented by issuing new products, more sophisticated technology for example, based on a growing need.6. Achievements and development manager, with attention to quality management to the development of managers.7. Achievement and attitudes of employees, by setting goals related to factors in the achievement of employee work effectiveness.8. Public responsibility and solutions, to address the turmoil in the company that performed by employees in the form of strikes or protests, legal, government and other community groups.

K. Bay Management Objective (MBO)First introduced by Peter Drucker in his book The Practice of Management in 1954. Management by objectives can also be referred to as management by objectives, management by results (Management by Result), Goals Management, Work planning and reviews etc. are essentially the same.Management by objective emphasizes the importance of the role of purpose in the effective planning, with achievement of established procedures both formal and informal, first by setting goals to be achieved followed by activities to be carried to completion was held just a review of the work already done. Activities MBO stands for Management by objectives is a participatory process involving subordinates and managers at all levels of an organization that is formulated with a mission or goal, which can be measured where the use of this measure as a guide for the operation of the unit.
L. System Management By Objective Effective1. The commitment of managers personal objectives and organization, so he must meet with subordinates to provide goal-setting and evaluate it.2. Determination of top management objectives stated in the specific values ​​that can be measured, so that between managers and subordinates have a clear idea of ​​what is expected by top management, so that it can be seen among individuals with overall organizational goals.3. Individual objectives, which between managers and subordinates have to formulate common goals and responsibilities of the parts are clearly to understand what will be achieved.4. The need for participation of all parties, where the greater participation of all members, the greater goals to be achieved.5. Autonomy and the implementation of the plan, subordinates and managers here are free to develop and implement programs achieving its goals.6. Review of the achievements carried out periodically on the progress of goals.
M. Goodness and Weaknesses of MBOGoodness: Weakness:1. Knowing what to expect from the organization.2. Help managers make the goals and objectives.3. Improving vertical communication between manager with subordinates4. Make the evaluation process. 1. Weaknesses inherent in the MBO process, the consumption of time and at great cost.2. In terms of the development and implementation of MBO programs.
N. Elements of MBO Effectiveness1. To be successful MBO then the manager must understand and have the skill to know the usefulness and usability of the MBO.2. The goal is realistic and easily understood by anyone, so the goal is often used to evaluate the performance of the manager, whether he succeeded or failed in their duties.3. Top managers must maintain the MBO system is still alive and functioning properly.4. Without the participation of all parties is not possible MBO program is running, then all parties must know its position in relation to the objectives to be achieved, against a very useful feedback.
O. Forms of Decision Making (Decision Making)Namely decision-making process of a series of activities to be carried out in the resolution of a problem. Decision-making is done by each position in the organization. Managers will help the different decisions in different situations and conditions as well.This decision can be a form of programmed decisions (Programmed decisions) or not, can also distinguish between decisions made under conditions of certainty, risk and uncertainty.Programmatic decisions are decisions made by customs, rules or procedures that occur regularly and repeatedly. Example: determination of salaries, employee recruitment procedures, the procedures increase staffing levels and so on.The decision is not programmed (non-programmed decisions), which is a decision made because of special problems or unusual. Example: the allocation of resources, organizational resources, sales have fallen sharply, the use of modern technology, and so forth.Decisions with certainty, risk and uncertainty, this depends on several aspects that can not be estimated and established beforehand, as the reaction of competitors, changes in the economy, changes in technology, consumer behavior and so forth. Therefore, it is divided into three types of situations, namely:Certainty (certainty), that is by knowing keaaan will happen in future, because of the availability of accurate information and responsibility.Risk (risk), ie by knowing the chance or probability of any possibility that will happen and the result, but complete information is not owned by an organization or company.Uncertainty (uncertainty), where the manager does not know the probabilities that are owned and unknown situations that will occur in future, because it does not have the information needed. This generally involves a critical decision and the most interesting.
P. Decision Making Process1. Understanding and Problem FormulationManagers must be able to find what is really a problem, and determine which parts to be solved and which part should be solved.2. Pengumpuland an Analysis of Relevant DataOnce the problem is found, then determined and made his formula to make the right decision.3. Alternative DevelopmentDevelopment of possible alternatives rejected the tendency to make quick decisions in order to achieve effective decision.4. Evaluation of the alternatives usedAssessing the effectiveness of the alternative wear, as measured by linking the objectives and organizational resources with a realistic alternative as well as assess how well the alternatives that can be taken to assist in solving problems.5. Selection of Best AlternativeBased on information provided to managers and policy imperfections are taken by the manager.6. Implementation DecisionManagers should set a budget, hold and allocate the necessary resources, and considering the risks and dissatisfaction to the decision taken. So the procedure needs to be made periodic progress reports and prepare corrective action when new problems arise in the decisions made as well as prepare for any possible early warning that occurred.7. Evaluation of the results of DecisionImplementations that have been taken should always be monitored constantly, whether running smoothly and giving expected results.
Q. Subordinate Involvement in Decision MakingSubordinate involvement in decision-making can be formalized by making the mass, can also be unofficial missal by requesting ideas and suggestions. Making decisions based on the formal properties of more effective because many inputs other knowledge. characteristics of decision situations and decision-making style of management will affect and determine whether the decision-making done in groups or not.
R. Quantitative Methods in Decision MakingOrganization's operations more complex and expensive, so the more difficult and important managers in making plans and decisions. It required the help of various quantitative techniques and equipment. Techniques and quantitative tools of decision-making technique known as management science and operations research. Operations research to describe, understand, and predict the behavior of various complex systems in human life. The goal is to provide accurate information.Read also thispapers• Human Resource Information System• Marketing Management Papersmanagement• Human Resource Information System

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